"What?" is the first question of an evolving mind.
Everything starts with the question, "What?".
"What?" am I sensing.
Until the question "What?" is asked, there can only be a stream of meaningless sensation. There can be no awareness of "I".
Perhaps like music, the stream of what is as yet, meaningless sensation, causes ripples of pleasure, in the same way an electric wire with a flow of electrons, has a field around it of something that has apparently different qualities than the flowing electrons.
Be this as it may be, sensation alone is without meaning until the question "What is that?" is asked. By asking "What?", distance is created between the sensation and its observer. Any answer to the question must come in the form of symbols that represent the flow of sensations.
This is the birth of language.
An answer to the question, "What?" can only be given after the recognition of a pattern in the flow of sensation. A pattern means something repeats itself over an extant of time in the mind. Even a two dimensional pattern can only be recognized as such over the interval of the time it takes to recognize the sameness and repetition of the pattern.
Time is of the mind.
An impulse of sensation must recur at individuated points in a line of linear time to be recognized as a pattern. Once recognized as a pattern, the sensation gains the significance of a "perception" because it gains the quality of identity as it is individuated in its nature from that which has not yet been recognized as a pattern, and it is different from other patterns previously recognized and stored as memories.
Memory is of the mind.
Whatever the condition of memory, a mind exists whenever there is perception of one moment becoming another, creating the postulate of the future, the future being the postulated continuation of the patterns coexisting in the present.
The present is created by the cross referencing of flows of related sensations stretched out in sequences, like the sounds of music and the resultant sensations of pleasure surrounding them. The time between a sensation and its recognition is filled with the question, "What?"
Questions are of the mind.
The fundamental building block of the mind is the recognition of patterns of motion. Motion is the condition of a sequence of change. The most fundamental building blocks of the universe are particles that have distinct patterns of motion, surrounded by fields of influence that have distinct identities defined as wave functions.
Both the universe and the mind are built from the same essentials.
Essentials are of the mind.
Any answer to the question "What?" evokes the possibility of the question, "How?"
"How?" is essentially the question, "What brought this about?" or "How did this come to be".
"How?" asks for the identity of a cause of an effect through the delineation and description of the affect that exists between Cause and it's effect. No description of an affect can be complete before it is determined that the affect originated from a location that is it's cause. A field of affect and effect without cause is an indeterminable confusion and chaos. Like string theory.
To say that the order and logic of the unfolding comprehension of the universe in the mind, is the effect of chaos, is like saying A=B=C but A doesn't equal C.
This would be an insoluble paradox and undermine the reality of the most axiomatic and experiential truth, expressed as," I am here, wherever and whenever that is, no matter how or why this has come about."
If A=B=C but A doesn't equal C than I am not here even though I know I am because I perceive myself thinking about it. This undermines all of science, all of thought and is the essence of the paradox of nihilism for if the essential premise of nihilism is true, that nothing is real, one couldn't even think about it.
And it couldn't be true.
Even a conclusion of "extreme skepticism maintaining that nothing in the world has a real existence." needs A=B=C to be true or it couldn't be made as a statement that uses linguistic symbols founded as a language, THE SYMBOLS OF THE STATEMENT COULDN'T REPRESENT A REALITY, as all languages are based on the premise that if A=B=C than A=C.
The seductiveness of nihilistic thought is in the observation, that of course A doesn't equal B.
Look at them.
In Nihilistic thought patterns, A doesn't equal A, let alone B. A never stays the same long enough to be itself for the duration of an observation.
There is a self annihilating truth to this. But just as waves don't define the totality of reality or the sun would disappear in an instant of self propagation, so the instantaneously unsustainable nature of all conceived static states is false and incomplete, because patterns of motion are the essence of endurance and we do observe the endurable. What we call a static state is itself the perpetuation of existence and is contained in the mind with delineations of identity and perpetuated characteristics.
Without the assignment of identity that is self perpetuating, without the creative self perpetuating nature of logic and mathematics, everything dissolves into chaos and a mind overwhelmed by confusion caused by chaos, stagnates, contracts, dissipates and dissolves, itself becoming like the chaos that has overwhelmed it.
Any awareness of existence is the consequence of self observation, the observation of sensations in the self. Time and space are stretched out by the act of observing something in motion which has an origin of location in both time and space, a place both in time and space of perceived origin, that being the first moment it is perceived in a sequence of moments, and the first location it is perceived at in a sequence of locations.
Of course this assignment of a point of origin in time and space, to a chain of events characterized by repetitions of patterns of motion, culminating in an event, is perhaps an arbitrary delineation created in a mind for purposes of self creation, harmony and integrated growth.
One can always confuse the issue by asking how did this point of origin come about, what caused it and still causes it, to be what we see it to be. One can also ask why is the effect defined and contained within what must be arbitrary borders as the the effect always is the point of origin of an affect that promulgates itself and sets of further chains of events, extended effects.
To maintain itself from corruption from ever encroaching chaos and the child of chaos, that being confusion, the mind must define and delineate, separate and differentiate. It must create relationships of difference and similarity and finally determine how to facilitate the survival and well being of the body the mind is apparently attached to. A mind doesn't exist in a vacuum and the first thing it perceives is the stream of sensations concerning the body it comes along with.
To facilitate the well being and quality of it's own experience and the quality of existence of the body it comes along with, the mind must calculate it's body's motion through space and acquire the means of self sustenance. Doing so is the demonstration of intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to cause desired effects by calculating the efforts needed in the affect of a result that serves the needs of the mind and body these calculations take place in. Effects can be the consequence of unknown and even unknowable causes because their cause can exist outside the realm of perceivable information. For this reason we differentiate between effects and results, results being the consequence of the demonstration of some degree of intelligent effort.
The contemplation of effects without knowable causes, creates a sense of discomfort and possibly the experience of anxiety and fear. The more effects occur and their cause unknown, the universe becomes unpredictable and dangerous to any system that depends on undisturbed repetitive motions- like a mind.
Hence, the mind needs arbitrary definitions and delineations, self imposed limitations and result serving calculations that help maintain its sense of equilibrium and harmonic contemplation of what it perceives.
A growing mind that strives to comprehend itself and the universe it exists in, must continually reexamine itself and adjust whatever formulas and explanations it has for effects it perceives, so as to create more comprehensive contexts for conflicting data and by so doing, strive to resolve contradictions. This is an aspect of intelligence.
Intelligence is of the mind.
The application of intelligence creates solutions that overcome conflicts of interest and contradicting solutions and difficulties in the attainment of valuable assets. If the activity of communication in social cooperation between individuals in mutual and common self interest is an asset, then so is language and the proficiency of its use.
Mathematics is a language that explains everything common to human experience. The creative use of mathematics produces the equations of physics that allow for the creation of mechanisms that extend the borders of our sphere of influence over ever increasing realms of further and extended creativity. Mathematics enables the creation of logarithms in computer science and the availability of knowledge of every kind imaginable, to one and all, is becoming an indisputable norm and entitlement. The borders of the sphere of human knowledge and experience are expanding ever faster, like the universe itself.
We are, however, demonstrating signs of overload.
Mathematics and scientific theory do not encompass the ever increasing perception of data that conflicts with existing theories. On the cosmic front of expanding knowledge, the universe keeps proving that the existing formulas and equations upon which are based the most recent theorems and consequent predictions, are incapable of enabling successful forecasts. The universe keeps surprising the scientists who strive to contain it in formulas, equations and theorems that prove the mind of man is up to the task of comprehending everything there is to perceive.
The expansion of the universe is accelerating at a speed far beyond what the theorems foresaw. Instead of doubting the validity of their human calculations as regards the behavior of the cosmos, they postulated something out of nothing called dark matter and dark energy and then fine tuned the quantity of these mental creations so that their theories about the nature of matter and energy remain valid. Per theoretical scientists, dark energy and dark matter are no less than 95 per cent of the influencing factors in the universe, 95 percent of all the kinds of matter and energy that might be.
This is no less than a ludicrous solution that serves no other purpose than to save face. It is the product of rapidly expanding hubris to fill in the empty spaces of human knowledge.
The first truly comprehensive and valuable theorems about the mechanics of mass and motion in what was then the perceivable, conceivable and measurable universe, were those of Newton. These postulates explained everything we could perceive with the naked eye aided by what was a primitive but efficient telescope. The universe then was calculated to be infinitesimal compared to what is thought of it today.
The discovery and definition of formula describing electromagnetic phenomena in general and the behavior of the electron in particular lead to the startling discovery that waves of energy and particles that carry energy are one and the same, depending on which you are looking for and how you are looking for it. Experiments exposed the minds of scientists to new data that contradicted everything they had previously thought about the nature of the fundamental elements of creation.
Suddenly the very smallest elements of existence behaved differently than the very largest and everything in between.
Things began to appear as if out of no where and then disappear without a trace. Any particular electron was suddenly all over the universe until it was needed to turn on a light bulb, when it would behave with perfect dinner manners and allow itself to be consumed for mass production. The greater the enigma of consistently predicting how matter and energy would behave in a laboratory or the cosmos, the more technology advanced. New theorems seemed to work in confined contexts, despite the lack of any comprehensive comprehension of the whole. Not that scientists didn't keep trying!
Along came Einstein and he provided new equations, new calculations and again, in what turned out to be the confines of what is futured to be recognized as narrowly defined contexts, there was an integration of conflicting data with accepted theory.
But he did not by any means close the gap between the mathematics and formulas of quantum mechanics and Newtonian physics. He knew this and was deeply frustrated in his attempts to bridge the gaps in scientific theory and observed phenomena. He even went so far as to invent an arbitrary universal constant that would balance his equations of gravity and the behavior of galaxies but relinquished this idea himself, calling it his greatest blunder when he discovered how fast the universe is expanding. Some scientists today would salvage Einstein's constant as it seems to coincidentally resonate with the behavior of dark mass and energy. No one can explain how dark mass and energy is compatible with an event like The Big Bang.
The universe is obviously created as a fluctuating and ever growing collection of cross referenced phenomenon in our minds. New data makes our ideas of it dynamic. The context of our comprehension is ever expanding but the expansion of the universe is exponentially faster. The reality of the universe growing in our minds constantly challenges our ideas about it. What is certain is that the universe exists in our minds in what we presume to be a symbolic representation and albeit partial reflection of some truthful reality that transcends our own existence.
It is widely assumed that somehow the universe comes together in such a way that produces the mind in which we contemplate the universe that creates us. We have established a vast matrix of "What?" is going on, an expanding sphere of what is at last count two trillion or more galaxies, but the whole isn't held together by the gravity we thought we understand. The galaxies spin around their centers against the laws of physics.
We still have no answer for why electrons behave how we need them to, even when we can't say for sure where one is and what it is going to do, where it is going to go, at any particular time.
Everything should be completely uncertain and yet it isn't to such a degree, that we can send satellites into space that behave so predictably with electrons, that we are able to manage the motion of what is ever approaching infinite amounts of information about our own activities and the motion of ever more mass in space. This while the mass itself is composed of completely incomprehensible fields of potential manifestation.
How is it that the sequence of manifestation unfolds in a narrative that makes so much sense? It all unfolds with implicit order and in a sequence of ever incomplete yet expanding knowledge.
If time is a duration of the perception of persistent sequence, why do we continue to presume that any time exists out side our minds, where perception takes place? How can we ever know that there is any space outside a mind that holds in place, points of reference as the context that enables the experience of space? How can we presume that quantum particles behave as if they have a memory outside a mind which has a memory to cross reference the behavior of particles?
It is far more certain that our minds exist than it is that anything exists outside them. We will never encounter any information except as such appears by whatever means in our minds.
This is the foundation of logic and math. We discover how things behave with logic and math because logic and math describe how our minds work and then how things behave in our minds. Even then, our logic and our math are constantly challenged by the behavior of ever new information and its affect on our minds. No matter how hard we try to freeze ideas we find valuable in the development of new technologies and call these ideas axiomatic and universal truths, the universe in our minds destroys them with new evidence and new information. Everything that works as an equation in technology, only does so in a context confined arbitrarily in our mind, to the accomplishment of an intelligent and intended result. While our ability to cause results grows exponentially in all the sciences and The Arts, it becomes ever more evident that all we know better is how our mind works and what its inherent limitations are, regarding the nature of what we presume exists as a transcendental reality beyond our minds, in time and in space.
We witness effects in our mind coming in a sequence and creating a narrative for every thing we observe that has any significance at all. From the apparently incoherent narrative of a quantum particle that affects what came before it in time, or the way one particle affects another which is an infinite distance away, faster than the speed of light and without the transference of any detectable information between the two, to a child run over by a car or someone winning a Nobel Prize, everything has a narrative and all things make sense in a certain context of explanation.
Obviously, the necessities of a significant narrative are of primal importance to the workings of our mind.
Is it possible that an unfolding narrative in someones mind determines how wave functions collapse as information? Is it possible that the unfolding realization of a metaphysical principle determines the sequence of registration of photons on a retina and the flow of electricity in the brain?
What is causing the all encompassing potential significance of information that appears in the mind?
Is there a method to the madness in the fluctuations of self content? Is each of us being told a story about our selves and the management of our own minds?
What is being created inside of us? Inside of our minds? Mental Paradigms of all kinds, in all fields of thought, are constructed like scaffolding, they elevate us to greater vistas and new points of view, but then the extended context of our vision negates the very scaffolds that enabled us to broaden our horizons.
What is Going On?
Is it our hubris that prevents us from accepting that the nature and substance of our minds is itself the result of intelligent design? That by the very nature of logic, the smaller cannot contain what is greater than it? Can we not accept that our calculations can only measure what exists in the confines of our own nature and that our nature is less comprehensive than the nature of that which creates us?
It is far more evident that nature has intelligence than that it hasn't. Yes, the intelligence of nature transcends any idea we have of time and space. Are we jealous and unable to concede there is greater wisdom than our own?
It is time we brought God into our equations.
Everything starts with the question, "What?".
"What?" am I sensing.
Until the question "What?" is asked, there can only be a stream of meaningless sensation. There can be no awareness of "I".
Perhaps like music, the stream of what is as yet, meaningless sensation, causes ripples of pleasure, in the same way an electric wire with a flow of electrons, has a field around it of something that has apparently different qualities than the flowing electrons.
Be this as it may be, sensation alone is without meaning until the question "What is that?" is asked. By asking "What?", distance is created between the sensation and its observer. Any answer to the question must come in the form of symbols that represent the flow of sensations.
This is the birth of language.
An answer to the question, "What?" can only be given after the recognition of a pattern in the flow of sensation. A pattern means something repeats itself over an extant of time in the mind. Even a two dimensional pattern can only be recognized as such over the interval of the time it takes to recognize the sameness and repetition of the pattern.
Time is of the mind.
An impulse of sensation must recur at individuated points in a line of linear time to be recognized as a pattern. Once recognized as a pattern, the sensation gains the significance of a "perception" because it gains the quality of identity as it is individuated in its nature from that which has not yet been recognized as a pattern, and it is different from other patterns previously recognized and stored as memories.
Memory is of the mind.
Whatever the condition of memory, a mind exists whenever there is perception of one moment becoming another, creating the postulate of the future, the future being the postulated continuation of the patterns coexisting in the present.
The present is created by the cross referencing of flows of related sensations stretched out in sequences, like the sounds of music and the resultant sensations of pleasure surrounding them. The time between a sensation and its recognition is filled with the question, "What?"
Questions are of the mind.
The fundamental building block of the mind is the recognition of patterns of motion. Motion is the condition of a sequence of change. The most fundamental building blocks of the universe are particles that have distinct patterns of motion, surrounded by fields of influence that have distinct identities defined as wave functions.
Both the universe and the mind are built from the same essentials.
Essentials are of the mind.
Any answer to the question "What?" evokes the possibility of the question, "How?"
"How?" is essentially the question, "What brought this about?" or "How did this come to be".
"How?" asks for the identity of a cause of an effect through the delineation and description of the affect that exists between Cause and it's effect. No description of an affect can be complete before it is determined that the affect originated from a location that is it's cause. A field of affect and effect without cause is an indeterminable confusion and chaos. Like string theory.
To say that the order and logic of the unfolding comprehension of the universe in the mind, is the effect of chaos, is like saying A=B=C but A doesn't equal C.
This would be an insoluble paradox and undermine the reality of the most axiomatic and experiential truth, expressed as," I am here, wherever and whenever that is, no matter how or why this has come about."
If A=B=C but A doesn't equal C than I am not here even though I know I am because I perceive myself thinking about it. This undermines all of science, all of thought and is the essence of the paradox of nihilism for if the essential premise of nihilism is true, that nothing is real, one couldn't even think about it.
And it couldn't be true.
Even a conclusion of "extreme skepticism maintaining that nothing in the world has a real existence." needs A=B=C to be true or it couldn't be made as a statement that uses linguistic symbols founded as a language, THE SYMBOLS OF THE STATEMENT COULDN'T REPRESENT A REALITY, as all languages are based on the premise that if A=B=C than A=C.
The seductiveness of nihilistic thought is in the observation, that of course A doesn't equal B.
Look at them.
In Nihilistic thought patterns, A doesn't equal A, let alone B. A never stays the same long enough to be itself for the duration of an observation.
There is a self annihilating truth to this. But just as waves don't define the totality of reality or the sun would disappear in an instant of self propagation, so the instantaneously unsustainable nature of all conceived static states is false and incomplete, because patterns of motion are the essence of endurance and we do observe the endurable. What we call a static state is itself the perpetuation of existence and is contained in the mind with delineations of identity and perpetuated characteristics.
Without the assignment of identity that is self perpetuating, without the creative self perpetuating nature of logic and mathematics, everything dissolves into chaos and a mind overwhelmed by confusion caused by chaos, stagnates, contracts, dissipates and dissolves, itself becoming like the chaos that has overwhelmed it.
Any awareness of existence is the consequence of self observation, the observation of sensations in the self. Time and space are stretched out by the act of observing something in motion which has an origin of location in both time and space, a place both in time and space of perceived origin, that being the first moment it is perceived in a sequence of moments, and the first location it is perceived at in a sequence of locations.
Of course this assignment of a point of origin in time and space, to a chain of events characterized by repetitions of patterns of motion, culminating in an event, is perhaps an arbitrary delineation created in a mind for purposes of self creation, harmony and integrated growth.
One can always confuse the issue by asking how did this point of origin come about, what caused it and still causes it, to be what we see it to be. One can also ask why is the effect defined and contained within what must be arbitrary borders as the the effect always is the point of origin of an affect that promulgates itself and sets of further chains of events, extended effects.
To maintain itself from corruption from ever encroaching chaos and the child of chaos, that being confusion, the mind must define and delineate, separate and differentiate. It must create relationships of difference and similarity and finally determine how to facilitate the survival and well being of the body the mind is apparently attached to. A mind doesn't exist in a vacuum and the first thing it perceives is the stream of sensations concerning the body it comes along with.
To facilitate the well being and quality of it's own experience and the quality of existence of the body it comes along with, the mind must calculate it's body's motion through space and acquire the means of self sustenance. Doing so is the demonstration of intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to cause desired effects by calculating the efforts needed in the affect of a result that serves the needs of the mind and body these calculations take place in. Effects can be the consequence of unknown and even unknowable causes because their cause can exist outside the realm of perceivable information. For this reason we differentiate between effects and results, results being the consequence of the demonstration of some degree of intelligent effort.
The contemplation of effects without knowable causes, creates a sense of discomfort and possibly the experience of anxiety and fear. The more effects occur and their cause unknown, the universe becomes unpredictable and dangerous to any system that depends on undisturbed repetitive motions- like a mind.
Hence, the mind needs arbitrary definitions and delineations, self imposed limitations and result serving calculations that help maintain its sense of equilibrium and harmonic contemplation of what it perceives.
A growing mind that strives to comprehend itself and the universe it exists in, must continually reexamine itself and adjust whatever formulas and explanations it has for effects it perceives, so as to create more comprehensive contexts for conflicting data and by so doing, strive to resolve contradictions. This is an aspect of intelligence.
Intelligence is of the mind.
The application of intelligence creates solutions that overcome conflicts of interest and contradicting solutions and difficulties in the attainment of valuable assets. If the activity of communication in social cooperation between individuals in mutual and common self interest is an asset, then so is language and the proficiency of its use.
Mathematics is a language that explains everything common to human experience. The creative use of mathematics produces the equations of physics that allow for the creation of mechanisms that extend the borders of our sphere of influence over ever increasing realms of further and extended creativity. Mathematics enables the creation of logarithms in computer science and the availability of knowledge of every kind imaginable, to one and all, is becoming an indisputable norm and entitlement. The borders of the sphere of human knowledge and experience are expanding ever faster, like the universe itself.
We are, however, demonstrating signs of overload.
Mathematics and scientific theory do not encompass the ever increasing perception of data that conflicts with existing theories. On the cosmic front of expanding knowledge, the universe keeps proving that the existing formulas and equations upon which are based the most recent theorems and consequent predictions, are incapable of enabling successful forecasts. The universe keeps surprising the scientists who strive to contain it in formulas, equations and theorems that prove the mind of man is up to the task of comprehending everything there is to perceive.
The expansion of the universe is accelerating at a speed far beyond what the theorems foresaw. Instead of doubting the validity of their human calculations as regards the behavior of the cosmos, they postulated something out of nothing called dark matter and dark energy and then fine tuned the quantity of these mental creations so that their theories about the nature of matter and energy remain valid. Per theoretical scientists, dark energy and dark matter are no less than 95 per cent of the influencing factors in the universe, 95 percent of all the kinds of matter and energy that might be.
This is no less than a ludicrous solution that serves no other purpose than to save face. It is the product of rapidly expanding hubris to fill in the empty spaces of human knowledge.
The first truly comprehensive and valuable theorems about the mechanics of mass and motion in what was then the perceivable, conceivable and measurable universe, were those of Newton. These postulates explained everything we could perceive with the naked eye aided by what was a primitive but efficient telescope. The universe then was calculated to be infinitesimal compared to what is thought of it today.
The discovery and definition of formula describing electromagnetic phenomena in general and the behavior of the electron in particular lead to the startling discovery that waves of energy and particles that carry energy are one and the same, depending on which you are looking for and how you are looking for it. Experiments exposed the minds of scientists to new data that contradicted everything they had previously thought about the nature of the fundamental elements of creation.
Suddenly the very smallest elements of existence behaved differently than the very largest and everything in between.
Things began to appear as if out of no where and then disappear without a trace. Any particular electron was suddenly all over the universe until it was needed to turn on a light bulb, when it would behave with perfect dinner manners and allow itself to be consumed for mass production. The greater the enigma of consistently predicting how matter and energy would behave in a laboratory or the cosmos, the more technology advanced. New theorems seemed to work in confined contexts, despite the lack of any comprehensive comprehension of the whole. Not that scientists didn't keep trying!
Along came Einstein and he provided new equations, new calculations and again, in what turned out to be the confines of what is futured to be recognized as narrowly defined contexts, there was an integration of conflicting data with accepted theory.
But he did not by any means close the gap between the mathematics and formulas of quantum mechanics and Newtonian physics. He knew this and was deeply frustrated in his attempts to bridge the gaps in scientific theory and observed phenomena. He even went so far as to invent an arbitrary universal constant that would balance his equations of gravity and the behavior of galaxies but relinquished this idea himself, calling it his greatest blunder when he discovered how fast the universe is expanding. Some scientists today would salvage Einstein's constant as it seems to coincidentally resonate with the behavior of dark mass and energy. No one can explain how dark mass and energy is compatible with an event like The Big Bang.
The universe is obviously created as a fluctuating and ever growing collection of cross referenced phenomenon in our minds. New data makes our ideas of it dynamic. The context of our comprehension is ever expanding but the expansion of the universe is exponentially faster. The reality of the universe growing in our minds constantly challenges our ideas about it. What is certain is that the universe exists in our minds in what we presume to be a symbolic representation and albeit partial reflection of some truthful reality that transcends our own existence.
It is widely assumed that somehow the universe comes together in such a way that produces the mind in which we contemplate the universe that creates us. We have established a vast matrix of "What?" is going on, an expanding sphere of what is at last count two trillion or more galaxies, but the whole isn't held together by the gravity we thought we understand. The galaxies spin around their centers against the laws of physics.
We still have no answer for why electrons behave how we need them to, even when we can't say for sure where one is and what it is going to do, where it is going to go, at any particular time.
Everything should be completely uncertain and yet it isn't to such a degree, that we can send satellites into space that behave so predictably with electrons, that we are able to manage the motion of what is ever approaching infinite amounts of information about our own activities and the motion of ever more mass in space. This while the mass itself is composed of completely incomprehensible fields of potential manifestation.
How is it that the sequence of manifestation unfolds in a narrative that makes so much sense? It all unfolds with implicit order and in a sequence of ever incomplete yet expanding knowledge.
If time is a duration of the perception of persistent sequence, why do we continue to presume that any time exists out side our minds, where perception takes place? How can we ever know that there is any space outside a mind that holds in place, points of reference as the context that enables the experience of space? How can we presume that quantum particles behave as if they have a memory outside a mind which has a memory to cross reference the behavior of particles?
It is far more certain that our minds exist than it is that anything exists outside them. We will never encounter any information except as such appears by whatever means in our minds.
This is the foundation of logic and math. We discover how things behave with logic and math because logic and math describe how our minds work and then how things behave in our minds. Even then, our logic and our math are constantly challenged by the behavior of ever new information and its affect on our minds. No matter how hard we try to freeze ideas we find valuable in the development of new technologies and call these ideas axiomatic and universal truths, the universe in our minds destroys them with new evidence and new information. Everything that works as an equation in technology, only does so in a context confined arbitrarily in our mind, to the accomplishment of an intelligent and intended result. While our ability to cause results grows exponentially in all the sciences and The Arts, it becomes ever more evident that all we know better is how our mind works and what its inherent limitations are, regarding the nature of what we presume exists as a transcendental reality beyond our minds, in time and in space.
We witness effects in our mind coming in a sequence and creating a narrative for every thing we observe that has any significance at all. From the apparently incoherent narrative of a quantum particle that affects what came before it in time, or the way one particle affects another which is an infinite distance away, faster than the speed of light and without the transference of any detectable information between the two, to a child run over by a car or someone winning a Nobel Prize, everything has a narrative and all things make sense in a certain context of explanation.
Obviously, the necessities of a significant narrative are of primal importance to the workings of our mind.
Is it possible that an unfolding narrative in someones mind determines how wave functions collapse as information? Is it possible that the unfolding realization of a metaphysical principle determines the sequence of registration of photons on a retina and the flow of electricity in the brain?
What is causing the all encompassing potential significance of information that appears in the mind?
Is there a method to the madness in the fluctuations of self content? Is each of us being told a story about our selves and the management of our own minds?
What is being created inside of us? Inside of our minds? Mental Paradigms of all kinds, in all fields of thought, are constructed like scaffolding, they elevate us to greater vistas and new points of view, but then the extended context of our vision negates the very scaffolds that enabled us to broaden our horizons.
What is Going On?
Is it our hubris that prevents us from accepting that the nature and substance of our minds is itself the result of intelligent design? That by the very nature of logic, the smaller cannot contain what is greater than it? Can we not accept that our calculations can only measure what exists in the confines of our own nature and that our nature is less comprehensive than the nature of that which creates us?
It is far more evident that nature has intelligence than that it hasn't. Yes, the intelligence of nature transcends any idea we have of time and space. Are we jealous and unable to concede there is greater wisdom than our own?
It is time we brought God into our equations.
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