and "i't was a wet morning
and her husband was away at work
and the two older k"i"ds were at th"i"er nursery
and the l"i"ttle one was fast asleep.
We sat down with steam"i"ng coffee
for a heart to heart talk.
I wanted to tell her about my m"i"racles.
First there was the alum"i"num bottle by my bed
I used to dr"i"nk from when waking th"i"rsty
"i"n the middle of the n"i"ght".
One day I turned around
wh"i"le writing on my computer and saw
a puddle of water on the floor from water
dr"i"pp"i"ng down the l"i"ttle cab"i"net upon wh"i"ch
was placed the alum"i"num bottle.
There was a hole punctured "i"n the bottle
maybe three cent"i"meters
from the bottom
and all the water above that had leaked out
onto the floor and dresser.
I had showed the bottle to my son
who just went l"i"ke this-
Then I told my daughter about the l"i"ttle green cup
where I used to keep my random change.
One day I empt"i"ed the cup of co"i"ns
and went out shopping for candles.
I never used to empty "i"t completely
just p"i"cked and chose the co"i"ns of larger value
or added up what I needed and left the rest.
But th"i"s time I empt"i"ed "i"t out,
not"i"ng to myself the change "i"n my own behav"i"or.
When I came back w"i"th the candles,
the l"i"ttle green cup was gone. Kaput. Van"i"shed.
D"i"sappeared into th"i"n a"i"r.
Then there was the colored ball
I had kicked so Sweety the dog
could chase "i"t and br"i"ng "i"t back.
Sweety chased the ball
beh"i"nd the couch
and started to bark in frustrat"i"on.
No ball.
Not under the couch or anywhere.
D"i"sappeared aga"i"n "i"nto th"i"n a"i"r.
Well, the n"i"ght before I talked to Ruty,
I had dreamed my lungs were turn"i"ng black
from smoking c"i"garettes, more than a pack a day.
An expense I couldn't afford f"i"nanc"i"ally
and smok"i"ng we"i"ghed heav"i"ly on my health.
I felt "i"t wrong to be
a smoking Mess"i"ah,
a bad example for the youth
and good reason for my self perce"i"ved delay
on the stage of h"i"story.
Wh"i"ch was the most l"i"kely reason
I just wouldn't stop puff"i"ng and puff"i"ng away.
I told Rut"i" of my m"i"racles (there were more)
and the dream I'ld had the n"i"ght before.
She heard me out w"i"th empathy
and sympathy and also bel"i"ef.
To my great rel"i"ef.
That even"i"ng Rut"i"took me
for felafel, at the town center.
I asked her to buy me a pack of c"i"gartettes
as I had left my wallet "i"n her house.
She reluctantly pa"i"d for my po"i"son,
then left me to walk home
as there was no room "i"n her car
for me and her husband and the three k"i"ds.
She had to pick her husband up from work.
A ten minute walk, that's all.
I l"i"t a c"i"garette and walked, feeling part"i"cularly gu"i"lty-
after my dream and my understand"i"ng
that I smoked to avo"i"d my dest"i"ny.
When I got home before Rut"i" and her husband and the k"i"ds
I tossed the c"i"garettes on a table
outs"i"de on a wooden patio
which overlooked the back yard
where the ch"i"ldren would play.
On prev"i"ous v"i"s"i"ts
I would watch them and smoke
and dr"i"nk coffee.
Cup after cup, c"i"garette after c"i"garette.
This t"i"me, after I had thrown the pack of po"i"son
on the balcony table, I thought to explo"i"t
the fam"i"ly's absence for a qu"i"ck hot shower.
When I came back all clean and gleam"i"ng
with a cup of coffee, pant"ii"ng for a smoke-
the c"i"garettes had d"i"sappeared aga"i"n "i"nto th"i"n a"i"r.
They weren't anywhere!
That n'i'ght, my son Idan called
to share with me someth"i"ng w"i"erd.
It seems h"i"s keys just d"i"sappeared out of h"i"s pocket.
Not to be found anywhere.
He felt them "there" and then they weren't.
Just l"i"ke that.
The Keys=The Prophet Sent by God=Jonathan M"i"chael Robb'i'ns
=( המפתחות= 939= הנביא אשר שלחו יהוה=939 =יונתן מיכאל רבינס )=
Sometimes we only really notice something
when it disappears, for then it appears in our mind,
emphasized and more significant, by reason of its unforeseen absence.
So I have stopped smok"i"ng. (tobacco)
Th"i"s t"i"me for good and for ever.
Art for Art's Sake!
A Catastrophic Tragedy. Maybe Not!
Jonathan Michael Robbins
= 939=
יונתן מיכאל רבינס
ponyexpress wrote:
jonathan- i know you have been inundated and deluged... you have said so.
i just thought that maybe You... and some of the others would post a few Miracles You have experienced for the others to SEE... To See What Full Time Synchronicity Looks and Feels Like! i thought maybe... if I build it, The Miracle Thread... They Will Come! ...perhaps They Will! |
I am praying for you all the time.
Really, there is a place in my heart
that keeps humming a "Please God, Heal Pony" prayer.
Even though I already know you will be "OK!".
God has never told me I will ever be anything but "OK".
First there was the little sweet potato that had sprouted
that I placed in a plastic cup of water to watch it grow.
That was weeks and weeks ago.
Usually they grow for a while, the potato shrivels and the leaves die.
But this one just keeps growing, Pony I tell you no lie!
It remains the same size
and the leaves and green stems
fill the corner of the kitchen.
Today my flatmate changed the plastic cup with one of glass.
I swear I had seen some dry leaves on the stems that had disappeared.
I asked all my roommates who removed the dry leaves
but they all said "Not I."
Now they are all surprised!
It reminded me of when Itay and I slept
in a cardboard palace over the Public Toilets in Jerusalem.
There were rows of earth for flowers and plants around the little patio
where we spent a couple of weeks while demonstrating against
a dead Rabbi whose followers believed was the Messiah.
God told me to pee on the dry plants at night and I did.
In the morning they had all sprouted several flowers each.
It was summer and hot and dry and all the flower plants had died.
A Catastrophic Tragedy. Maybe Not!
Jonathan Michael Robbins
= 939=
יונתן מיכאל רבינס
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