Sunday, February 12, 2017

We Are Not In A Computer Simulation

How can I describe it?
It was like leaning on a wall that suddenly disappears.
I lost my balance and grabbed desperately at something solid to hold onto
but there was nothing there. I felt the dizziness of vertigo and looked below
at what appeared to be an endless abyss. Fully expecting to fall,
my arms and legs flailed around in empty space, yet I somehow remained suspended,
held in place by The Grace of God's Mind and His Stream of Substance-less Thought.
I didn't fall for no other reason than God had decided that I wouldn't.
He suspended gravity and while I was in a perfect vacuum,
devoid of even wave functions, I continued to breath
as if there was air. But I knew there wasn't
and my breathing was merely maintained
so that I did not lose my mind
in a completely incomprehensible and incoherent state of affairs.
I was perpetuated in a complete void. Me and my mind continued forward
in a stream of consciousness and perception that was overwhelmed by the absolute impossible.
The circumstances were of such impossibility that I feared for my mind, as it completely rejected
the significance of what I perceived with my senses. There is nothing around me at all but a complete vacuum.
Yet my breathing continues in a sequence of inhalations and exhalations with an ebb and flow
of sensation that slowly calms down and becomes my center of being,
my point of reference for everything else.
I cannot even feel my own heart beat.
I know I am alive because I breath.
I am not dead.
God Wills me to live, suspended and alive, around me endless empty space
and He Tells me, "Calm Down!". And I do.
"You will not die.
I hold you here this way to show you my power. There is nothing I cannot do.
There is no miracle I cannot perform. There is no substance, no energy, except as I will it so. Your mind is my creation, your perception of what happens in it and your extrapolation of what exists around it, all that, is determined by me.
You know nothing but what I put into your mind.
Your very experience of your own witnessing consciousness, your sentience, the string of words that you think, your flow of feelings and emotions, your urges and hungers and thirsts, your cravings and your lusts, it is all my creation, my creativity. There is nothing of you that is not as I determine it to be
and most of all, you must know, that you are not Me.
No one who has ever lived, lives, or who will ever live shall comprehend this the way you do. Such a totality of encompassing understanding would cause any other to lose their mind as it caused you to lose yours, before I restored your sanity as a miraculous act of My Creative Will. The persistent coherence of your mind is independent of any natural law and your mind is held together by My Will, against The Laws of Nature.
You are my spokesman to the world.
You are no more my son than any one else.
You do not know the future,
no one can and no one has and no one ever will.
I literally hold every one and every thing in suspense.
My universe is designed to baffle the complacent mind.
Make peace with your mortality."

Art for Art's Sake!

Rotating 11:11 is becoming 11 square 11 square Love heart Angel Love heart

Salvation from the futility of the endless cycle of Ouroboros is in the concept of the Divine Narrative which embodies the idea of endless evolution. It is always and forever going somewhere which isn't a repetition of where it's been, rather is the development of a theme of transcendence. A forever rising spiral of consciousness, ever more able to encompass God's Creativity, for it is obviously God's Will to share His Creativity with His Creation, that being the mechanics of the ever growing spiraling cycle. Cool 

Art for Art's Sake!

Rotating 11:11 is becoming 11 square 11 square Love heart Angel Love heart

The best information comes as a poem.
A poem carried on waves
and perceived in the collisions of mass,
in the vibrations of all things coming together,
for a moment that cannot last.
But the poem,
is neither wave nor vibration nor mass.
A poem returns to the place of its origin
and falls back
into the womb of God's Heart,
from which it only emerged
like a dreaming sleep walker 

soon to go back to its bed. Cool

Some people seek peace in escape from duality
and in so doing, turn away from the reasons for flow.
Inside their hearts their passion dies,
and they call this peace
and freedom from the world of wanting.
They seek the stillness of a wave-less pond
to ponder their own perfect reflection.
A static image always lies
even if it is the face of the dead,
for time ravages a living corpse
and a skeleton will become dust. Cool

Art for Art's Sake!

Rotating 11:11 is becoming 11 square 11 square Love heart Angel Love heart

 The first ever blueprint for a mind-bendingly massive quantum computer has been released

"Life will change completely.
2 FEB 2017
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Scientists chasing the dream of quantum computing - technology that would grant us unprecentented processing power - just got their biggest break yet, because the first ever open-source blueprint for a practical quantum computer has been revealed.

This blueprint, which outlines how to make a quantum computer the size of a football-pitch, claims to solve previously 'uncrackable' problems using existing technology - meaning the revolutionary technology could be finally within our reach.

Now the race is on.
What happens first?
Does science succeed in building a quantum computer,
finally convincing everyone that reality is a simulation
and God is a figment of human imagination
or does jmr win the lottery and prove once and for all,
The God of Art reigns supreme? Cool

Art for Art's Sake!

Rotating 11:11 is becoming 11 square 11 square Love heart Angel Love heart

A Catastrophic Tragedy. Maybe Not!


Jonathan Michael Robbins

= 939=

יונתן מיכאל רבינס

 For some future civilization
to be able to build a computer simulation
as real as my reality is to me,
they must not only make the sensations
that result from the perceptions
of the physical nervous system and the brain,
occur in a sequence that only becomes understood
as one lives and learns language and the limits
of one's physical being,
but they must simulate the very thoughts and emotions
that are the result of highly sophisticated,
complex and intricate chemical reactions
in and between the neurons of the brain,
as well as the thought and sensation patterns
that result from the physics principles
of quantum leaps, non locality and entanglement,
harmonized with Newtonian physics,
as well as Einstein's relativity.

In other words they must master a unified field theory
and turn it into a working mechanical electronic digital
thought, perception, feeling and sensation simulator
that leaves absolutely nothing to chance,
despite the quantum principle of uncertainty.
I don't think so.
And if such a thing were real,
then the question arises, is everyone experiencing it of their own free will?
Who would choose to be a schizophrenic,
or retarded, blind, deaf and dumb,
or just a paraplegic?
Perhaps such people aren't real?
Perhaps murder and rape victims are just simulated identities?
Perhaps its OK to get rid of all the simulated identities we don't like to look at?
The crippled and those with amputated limbs?
Perhaps the Holocaust was just an implanted memory
and the millions who slowly died of disease
as slaves in concentration camps,
were no more than a melodramatic idea,
Created to entertain us,
as we are certainly entertained
by horror films and war movies?
How bored would one have to be
to choose the life of a homeless junkie
run over by an automobile
or see one's children slaughtered before one's very eyes?
How bored would one have to be? Cool

Art for Art's Sake!

Rotating 11:11 is becoming 11 square 11 square Love heart Angel Love heart

A Catastrophic Tragedy. Maybe Not!


Jonathan Michael Robbins

= 939=

יונתן מיכאל רבינס

 Based on many people's religious beliefs, the idea of determinism could  cause  considerable discomfort, do to cognitive dissonance. The fundamental fault in religious dogmatic doctrines is the adopting of the idea of Free Will and The Consequences inherent to "good" and "evil" choices. The modern world got this idea from Christianity which got it from Hebrew Culture where it pretty much originated. 

   Before the Hebrew Bible, people pretty much believed that the gods decided man's fate and destiny was predetermined, this idea modified by the belief that as there are many gods, one could appease one of them to intervene on one's behalf and thus change one's destiny. Spiritual life consisted in choosing one's gods wisely and appeasing them with sacrifice and supplication. According to these beliefs man can influence his individual narrative through the supplication of the gods and the development, success and affluence of one's life depended on the arbitrary favor of the gods, with people coming and going like bubbles in a sea of chaos, without there being any underlying structure or principle for the development over time of the human spiritual experience as a whole. 

   The predetermination of one's destiny is the literary beauty in the story of Oedipus who had his parents attempt to change his destiny by giving him up to adoption and then Oedipus himself running away from his destiny only to cause its manifestation by his very attempts to avoid it. As if the narrative of his life had been written out before he was born. The idea of an inescapable fate is true- but at that stage of spiritual development in human history, it needed to be put way back- behind the idea of self determinism and free will, so that certain revolutionary processes could take place in the mind and manifest in art, philosophy, science, economics, politics and history overall

     Hence the Hebrew Ideals of Seeking Transcendental Spiritual Freedom under the Spiritual Guidance of The One God were introduced with the Hebrew Bible, and with the stories therein lay the foundations for a paradigm of free will, free choice, and moral consequences such as punishment and reward as well as the fundamental truths concerning The God of Art's absolute control over human affairs and how Divine Laws determine the unfolding of reality as a sequence of experience for every sentient creature in the universe. There is no real contradiction between these paradigms of the mind once one realizes that the idea of free will and free thought is a necessary step towards a far more complex and sophisticated understanding of the universe, as such is being theorized today as scientists struggle with the experiential experimental evidence that we are living in some kind of holographic construct which seems similar in nature to what we have come to create with the simulation of virtual realities. 

    What is lacking in today's most recent understandings is the absolute pervasive nature of Divine Creativity as regards "the everything" that appears governed by laws such as manifest in Newtonian Physics, Einstein's Relativity and David Boehm's theories of Implicate and Explicate order. Boehm's work will become ever more appreciated as time moves on.

    Boehm's Implicate Order is actually a reflective glimpse at the divine grammar used by The God of Art when He says "Let there be Light!" and that Light ignites a consciousness capable of observing events and telling a story. The story unfolds according to certain aesthetic principles that have no materiel existence as energy or matter rather these determine as Divine Laws the behavior of matter and energy and the nature of registration in the mind as a sequence of perception. Laws are by their very nature, Invisible. They are Divine and exist outside any manifestations of energy and mass as Laws govern the behavior of energy and mass as a sequence of events that comprises a Divine Narrative, with lessons to be learned. 

    The Ultimate Value of Lessons learned is greater than the value of consistence in the mechanical governing principles of matter and energy. In other words, The God of Art can perform miracles that seem to contradict all the Laws of Nature when doing so serves the purpose of demonstrating his Awful Omnipotence and Mastery over Nature and our minds. 

      God's Mastery over His Creation of Nature supersedes our need for persistent consistency and coherence in the Governance of Nature's Laws. Our sanity depends on such persistent consistency and coherence yet God reserves the right to drive us crazy. Wink 

     The Ultimate Direction of man's developing spiritual existence and mind is towards a universal appreciation of the Awful Grandeur and Sophistication of Creation as Manifest By The One God Who Is The God of Art. 

    It is The God of Art who determines the Laws that govern the pieces falling into place in the kaleidoscope of our minds and the resultant narrative which is the story of our lives and The Story of Man's Evolutionary and often Revolutionary Spirituality. Cool

Art for Art's Sake!

Rotating 11:11 is becoming 11 square 11 square Love heart Angel Love heart

A Catastrophic Tragedy. Maybe Not!


Jonathan Michael Robbins

= 939=

יונתן מיכאל רבינס

 PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:17 pm    Post subject:

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here's what neale's god says about the subject... Wink

"To say something-a thought, a word, an action-is "wrong"
would be as much to tell you not to do it. To tell you not to
do it would be to restrict you. To restrict you would be to
deny the reality of Who You Really Are, as well as the
opportunity for you to create and experience the truth"

"You see, the Divine Doctrine is also a Divine Dichotomy,
and that is because life itself is a dichotomy-an experience
within which two apparently contradictory truths can
exist in the same space at the same time"

I like this quote.
There is much wisdom in Neals's teachings and his personal story
gives credence to his sincerity and final success.
What I think he lacks is the recognition and reconciliation
of The God of Art's right to manifest atrocious acts of sadistic cruelty against the perfectly innocent, by human agents of chaos, futility and despair.
Nor does he explain to my satisfaction nature's apparent complete disregard for human life.
His doctrine of "God loves us all no matter what we do or what we are" is not founded on anything I observe and interpret as a witness of human affairs.
What I see is that God tolerates every manifestation of love and hatred imaginable.
It is up to each individual to come to terms to the degree he or she can,
with the God of Art's absolute mastery over the materials of His Creativity. Cool

Art for Art's Sake!

Rotating 11:11 is becoming 11 square 11 square Love heart Angel Love heart

define "perfectly innocent" and place it in a context that allows for The Unknowable Truths of Our Eternal Being to participate...

btw- i'm assuming you have read the entire written word of neales' god, written by neale in His Books, Conversations With God I, II, III,
just as i'm sure you have read the entire written word of jesus' god, written by the disciples in the Their Books, The New Testament,
or as i assume you know each written word espoused by you in all of Your Postings, The Official Teachings of The God of Art Himself,
and that you are aware that neales' god professes No Preference with regard to the consequences of Our Mortal Acts of Separation.

including Your Unwitting Separation from and Exclusion of all other forms of God Speak and Belief upon the face of the Earth... Arrow

You got me all wrong. Very Happy
Let me start from your last assertion, that I have

"unwitting separation from and exclusion
of all other forms of God Speak and Belief
upon the face of the Earth..."

I have no idea how you come to that idea
other than as a reflexive reaction
against the tone of authority
I sometimes assume in my writings.
Just today I posted Rumi Quotes
and Sufi references.
In the past I have quoted
the Hebrew Bible, The Christian Bible,
spoken favorably of The Koran
and the Hindu Vedas,
going so far as to call myself Vishnu,
The Jews's Messiah
and the Great Aman of the Muslims
as well as The Second Coming of King David
and The Return of The Son of Man.
I could not call myself all these names
had I only disdain for the God Speak and Belief
of those who have come before me.
Through me will be communicated
The Essence of Living Wisdom itself,
Of The Greatest Potency Ever,
as all that I share shall be punctuated
with Divine Synchronicity
in a Display of Divine Will
unseen since the Exodus of The Children of Israel.
All of humanity
will witness the authenticity
of my claim that I speak in my own name
for The God of Art.
Concerning the perfectly innocent.
We are all equally perfectly innocent
in that we are all made from that which is beyond specific circumstance.
That being The Living Laws of The Void around which we are all dressed
in glimmering waves and shining particles
of fleeting realities that flow through our minds
with every imaginable story line.
Some stories are of sadistic murder
and unjustified carnage.
Other stories are of the terrific courage of some
on the behalf of strangers.
Stories of a mother's unselfish love
and of children abandoned and brutalized.
Need I go on?
All these stories are as real as the story of your own life.
Or mine. Or any others.
It is The God of Art's Privilege
to do as He Wills with His own
whether I like what He does or not
and regardless of whether I agree or understand what He does.
He may very well hate and love to do so.
Can I deny him this right which so many claim as their own? Cool

Art for Art's Sake!

Rotating 11:11 is becoming 11 square 11 square Love heart Angel Love heart

A Catastrophic Tragedy. Maybe Not!


Jonathan Michael Robbins

= 939=

יונתן מיכאל רבינס

thanks for the response jonathan and sorry to get you all wrong!
but i do get what you're saying and will make a sincere effort to
digest the totality and inclusiveness of "It" in reference to "It"... Cool

i'm sure the Authoritative Tone you present with at times, factors in...

in defense of my own defensive stance against what appeared to Me
as disrespect by you of neale and his form of God Speak of which was
my own God Send at a time when i questioned my present life's tribal
religious beliefs in Christianity and eventual resolution and forgiveness
of the acts of Jesus' Followers and their misrepresentation of His Spirit.
at one point, My Brother condemned all Others to Damnation and Hell.
So maybe i come from a tree of unstable roots and i Feel more than i
intellectualize from a historical and worldy perspective, but that's Me

...A Work in Progress! Laughing Wink Cool

"The ONLY solution is the ULTIMATE TRUTH: nothing exists in the universe that is separate from anything else. EVERYTHING is intrinsically connected, irrevocably interdependent, interactive, interwoven into the Fabric of All of Life" -neales' god

Ultimately, the idea of a computer simulated reality in which we are unwitting spectators can be abstracted
into a solipsistic experience in which it is impossible to determine the reality of anyone else being alive but ourselves. The perception of incoming information would have a source, particular and peculiar unto ourselves
with no ability on our part to know the nature of the source or its agenda, with us being absolutely at the mercy of what might be chaos itself, coming together and falling apart for no reason whatsoever. 

Something like this. 

 Doing this.
For no reason whatsoever. Forever.

Except perhaps Art.

Art for Art's Sake?  

Perhaps, but it's no computer simulation.

It's God Almighty.

Everything emerges from an all inclusive and absolutely cohesive unity, represented by the Number One as God.
All inclusive because no circle can be drawn around The One, as The One includes all circles and spheres and is part of none. It is the essence of All Inclusive Containment that has no borders or boundaries and is greater than infinite because there is no counting it in any kind of calculation and no measurement of its duration.  It is absolutely cohesive because there is no space in its elemental essence that can be increased  or diminished, it is not in motion and is perfectly static in relation to all it contains, which is everything but itself. It is neither fractal or composed of quanta, rather contains all phenomenon of fractal and quantified natures. 
It is that which imagines the impossibility of a kiss coming together through math and physics alone and imagines all the sensations and feelings that fill the empty spaces and make touching possible. It contains the idea of everlasting transcendence and ascendance, making possible an ever growing perspective and increasing context from which can be appreciated all that is Sublimely and Divinely Designed.  


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